Monday 1 March 2010

How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?
None, because they never change anything!
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Maybe if you idiots had a life, you would spend it off of the computer, insulting women with 5 times the brain size as you. After all, at least we think with our head, not penis.
By the way, the idiot who put periods as a bad thing- you wouldn't be alive if we didn't have them, hun.

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If you had a high school biology and science class, you would know the male brain is in general quite larger than the female, for one. For two, if we didn't think with our penis', you probably wouldn't be here making such an ignorant comment. It's perfectly fine for feminists to insult men on every level, but it's sexist when a man makes a come back. Have a nice day.
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People like you give our sex a bad name, stupid feminist. Just because you're too damn sensitive to see the humour in sexist jokes doesn't mean that everyone else has to agree with you. It was a rather clever joke and one that made me laugh, but just because you think the world should revolve around women DOES NOT MEAN that you have to force your incorrect opinions on other people.

If you ask me, women should just get back in the damn kitchen and make men sammiches. I don't know why we won't accept this fact, as women are objects to be owned by the superior male gender. Our only use is to cook, clean and make babies.

Get a sense of humour. Periods are a bad thing. They're painful, they're stupid, they cause irrational mood swings and they're a blot on society. If I was old enough, I would be on the pill or some other preventative measure. The world has enough sluts.
By the way, I'm a woman. Sorry to ruin your little sexism accusation you had ready for every negative comment people say about you.
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thank you for presenting us with an actual display of 'the reason' these jokes exist. see... a joke is only funny so many times you hear it. but the rants like yours never grow boring. I could laugh at your being stirred daily... and my laughing would stir you more... it's a perfect circle~ thank you, you feminist goofball~
ps. you'd be much better off if you turned your over-dramatic cause inward... then turn it into real desire to excel... and as you discover 'you', things will look a whole lot brighter in your world. any 'cause' is a joke. stand alone and become. then be an example... not an angry, dismissed, protester~

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I'm glad you agree. To be honest, feminists are bad representitives of the females species. I would like to say that not all of us are this ignorant, and some find sexist jokes hilarious, so keep on the good work.
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wow you know it is REALLY good to see you take this stuff this lightly. serously,your cool. we need some girls like you out there instead of the ones that are on their periods 24/7
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hey, did you say that we have no life? and that we're idiots? first of all, what were you doing at the time when u wrote ur comment?. stop pmsing and get a new tampon. oh and make me a sandwich. woman.
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Why did the feminist cross the road?
To suck my dick.
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I'm a married 19 year old woman and I find these jokes freakin funny. Come on most of it is true. I admit I nag a little sometimes not as much as most women but still. I just told my husband that because of these jokes that you poor men have no hope of survival. LOL

Have Fun
and Ladies laugh alittle

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God, why are feminists so ignorant? I am a woman, and i believe most feminists do not THINK with their heads, they don't want equality anymore, they want more than that, and they'll never stop wanting more.
here's a joke:
How many women does it take to change a light bulb?
Just one. She holds it still and waits for the world to revolve around her!

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If you knew basic biology you would realise that it wasn't a period that made him live, it was the lack of one. Which just goes to show how intelligent feminists are.
Theres one thing worse than chauvinistic men and that is women who dont do as they're told!

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lol soo... you just insinuated all the billions of people that use computer in the world insinuating they have no life and then stated that its possible to think with a penis. and THEN finished with insanely commen knowledge of reproduction.. hmmm.. you're a smart cookie the world needs more femenists like you.

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Hasn't it been scientifically proven or something that males actually have bigger average mass of the brain than females?
you had a male to fertilize the egg.
So if you just had a woman on her period, all she'd be was really goddamn moody unless she had a *man* ready to fertilize.
Male participation is just as important in reproduction. Without the penis that they apparantly "think with", women would just be moody all the time and no babies would be made.

Retake biology
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Brain mass has little to do with intellectual capability, actually. Intellect is more related to surface area than anything else; that's why we have so many folds in our brain (called sulci)--to maximize the surface area of our brain. Einstein's brain mass was far from exceptional, weighing in at 1,230g (Witelson et al., 1999b), whereas the average adult human brain mass is between 1,300 and 1,400g (Chudler, Eric H. Brain Facts and Figures. University of Washington.) There was something different about one of the sulci in Einstein, but again, this is unrelated to mass. Just thought that would be worth mentioning.
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Even then, the comment the OP posted about "insulting women with 5 times the brain size as you" would be completely irrelevant anyway.
Either way she's completely wrong.
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